Dear friends, 

I would like to say thank you for attending my presentations on this year ShowIT. It was a pleasure to meet you again in this wonderful conference. I hope my sessions was informative and helpful at least as in past years.

My sessions:

Resolving usual issues with database model and configuration.

In this presentation we will discuss what to check in your existing database configuration and  its model to prevent data loss and keep meaningful performance. I will also propose solutions for them. Usual audience are beginner DBAs and advanced db developers.


SQL Server memory configuration monitoring, management and troubleshooting overview.

In this session I will explain basics of memory configuration, monitoring and management tasks which should be (in my opinion) taken by admin.  

Also, we will have a look on troubleshooting suboptimal situations found in monitoring.  All DBAs will find something new in this presentation.

With regards.


More tips and tricks

FIX: Msg 15170, Level 16, This login is the Owner of 2 Job(s). You Must Delete or Reassign these Jobs Before the Login can be Dropped
by Michal Tinthofer on 26/01/2018

Recently I had an issue with this error during upgrade of SSISDB AlwaysOn Support using wizard.

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SQL 2012 Certification Changes
by Michal Tinthofer on 20/04/2012

Few days ago I have noticed that there will be a change (again) in certification paths for next generation of SQL servers. So I would like to recommend some thoughts about this from Microsoft Certified Masters (MCM) of Brent Ozar PLF Company.

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Why is using proper ANSI settings important
by Jiri Dolezalek on 20/05/2021

You might have been wondering what all those ANSI settings are and how they can affect you work.

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