SMT 00.5.40 Released!
by Michal Tinthofer on 21/12/2017

In this Christmas time we have some presents for you in form of new release. New reports and tuning notepad awaits you!.

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SMT 00.5.34 Released!
by Michal Tinthofer on 18/10/2017

Today we introduce to you another patch which was focused on several “quality of life “improvements. Let's have a look!

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SMT 00.5.32 Released!
by Michal Tinthofer on 31/08/2017

After some time, we have finally released big set of changes and fixes for currently known issues. Most visible is new Waiting Task report for operational analysis, added timeline button for Index Usage & recommendation, new functionality to search for an

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Usefull SQL Tools
by Michal Tinthofer on 24/07/2013

A few weeks ago a had task to create procedure for testing workload from production server on test environment.Itsurely wasn't a big deal, but I need to learnmanycustomer employees to repeat this task on regular base. I started to look if somehow I could

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Availability Groups (AG) on named nistances? (Part 1/2)
by Michal Tinthofer on 23/07/2013

SQL Server 2012 introduced AlwaysOn Availability Groups, a feature intended to replace clustering, database mirroring, log shipping, replication, and other technologies by giving us one easy-to-manage feature for high availability, disaster recovery, and

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SQL 2012 allow only 20 cores
by Michal Tinthofer on 01/10/2012

Anyway this post should focus on some different distressing news about SQL 2012.  If you have current software assurance (SA) for SQL Server 2008 R2, this allows you to slide into SQL Server 2012 while maintaining CAL licensing (by the way this is not pos

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